Piston Diagnostics
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These pictures and descriptions are by Eric Gorr
and were taken from an Australian dirtbike website, which appears to no
longer exist. I have had these "on file" for some time and I
publish them, with thanks, unchanged.
The process of examining a used piston can tell a mechanic
helpful information on the condition of an engine. When an engine
failure occurs, the piston is likely to take the brunt of the damage. A
careful examination of the piston can help a mechanic trace the source
of a mechanical or tuning problem. This technical article serves as a
guide for the most common mechanical problems that plague engines. |
The crown of this piston shows an ideal carbon pattern. The transfer
ports of this two-stroke engine are flowing equally and the colour of the
carbon pattern is chocolate brown. That indicates that this engine's
carb is jetted correctly.
The underside of this piston has a black spot. The black spot is a
carbon deposit that resulted from pre-mix oil burning on to the piston
because the piston's crown was too hot. The main reasons for this
problem are overheating due to too lean carb jetting or coolant system
This piston crown has an ash colour, which shows that the engine has
run hot. The ash colour is actually piston material that has started to
flash (melt) and turned to tiny flakes. If this engine was run any
longer, it probably would've developed a hot spot and hole near the
exhaust side and failed. The main causes of this problem are too lean
carb jetting, too hot spark plug range, too far advanced ignition
timing, too much compression for the fuel's octane, or a general
overheating problem.
This piston crown has been damaged because debris entered the
combustion chamber and was crushed between the piston and the cylinder
head. This engine had a corresponding damage pattern on the head's
squish band. The common causes of this problem are broken needle
bearings from the small or big end bearings of the connecting rod,
broken ring ends, or a dislodged ring centring pin. When A problem like
this occurs, its important to locate where the debris originated. Also
the crankcases must be flushed out to remove any left over debris that
could cause the same damage again. If the debris originated from the big
end of the connecting rod, then the crankshaft should be replaced along
with the main bearings and seals.
This piston crown chipped at the top ring groove because of a head
gasket leak. The coolant is drawn into the combustion chamber on the
down-stroke of the piston. When the coolant hits the piston crown it
makes the aluminium brittle and it eventually cracks. In extreme cases
the head gasket leak can cause erosion at the top edge of the cylinder
and the corresponding area of the head. Minor leaks of the gasket or
o-ring appear as black spots across the gasket surface. An engine that
suffers from coolant being pressurized and forced out of the radiator
cap's vent tube, is a strong indication of a head gasket leak. In most
cases the top of the cylinder and the face of the cylinder head must be
resurfaced when a leak occurs. Most mx bikes have head stays mounting
the head to the frame. Over time the head can become warped near the
head stay mounting tab, because of the forces transferred through the
frame from the top shock mount. It's important to check for warpage of
the head every time you rebuild the top end.
The skirts of this piston shattered because the piston to cylinder
clearance was too great. When the piston is allowed to rattle in the
cylinder bore, it develops stress cracks and eventually shatters.
The connecting rod of this engine snapped in half because the
clearance between the rod and the thrust washers of the big end was too
great. When the big end bearing wears out, the radial deflection of the
rod becomes excessive and the rod suffers from torsion vibration. This
leads to connecting rod breakage and catastrophic engine damage. The big
end clearance should be checked every time you rebuild the top end. To
check the side clearance of the connecting rod, insert a feeler gauge
between the rod and a thrust washer. Check the maximum wear limits in
your engine's factory service manual.
This piston has vertical seizure marks at four equally spaced points
around the circumference. A four-corner seizure is caused when the
piston expands faster than the cylinder and the clearance between the
piston and cylinder is reduced. Another common problem of this type is a
single point seizure on the centre of the exhaust side of the piston.
However this occurs only on cylinders with bridged exhaust ports. The
main causes for this problem are too quick warm-up, too lean carb
jetting (main jet), or too hot of a spark plug range.
This piston has many vertical seizure marks around the circumference.
This cylinder was bored to a diameter that was too small for the piston.
As soon as the engine started and the piston started its thermal
expansion, the piston pressed up against the cylinder walls and seized.
The optimum piston to cylinder wall clearances for different types of
cylinders vary greatly. For example a 50cc composite plated cylinder can
use a piston to cylinder wall clearance of .0015 inches, whereas a
1200cc steel-sleeved cylinder snowmobile set-up for grass drags will
need between .0055 to .0075 inches. For the best recommendation on the
optimum piston to cylinder clearance for your engine, look to the specs
that come packaged with the piston or consult your factory service
This piston was seized on the intake side. This is very uncommon and
is caused by only one thing, loss of lubrication. There are three
possible causes for loss of lubrication, no pre-mix oil, separation of
the fuel and pre-mix oil in the fuel tank, water passed through the
air-filter and washed the oil film off the piston skirt.
Most two-stroke cylinders used on motorcycles and snowmobiles, have
composite plated cylinders. The composite material is made of tiny
silicon carbide particles. The electro-plating process enables the
silicon carbide particles to bond to the cylinder wall. The particles
are very hard and sharp, they don't bond to the ports so the
manufacturer or reconditioning specialist must thoroughly clean the
cylinder. Sometimes the silicon carbide "flashing" breaks
loose from the ports and becomes wedged between the cylinder and the
piston. This causes tiny vertical scratches in the piston. This problem
isn't necessarily dangerous and doesn't cause catastrophic piston
failure, but it should be addressed by thoroughly flushing the cylinder
and ball-honing the bore to redefine the cross-hatching marks. Normally
you will need to replace the piston kit because the scratches will
reduce the piston's diameter beyond the wear spec.
This piston was overheated so badly that a hole melted through the
crown and collapsed the ring grooves on the exhaust side. Normally the
piston temperature is higher on the exhaust side so catastrophic
problems will appear there first. There are several reasons for a
failure like this, here are the most common; air-leak at the magneto
side crankshaft seal, too lean carb jetting, too far advanced ignition
timing or faulty igniter box, too hot of a spark plug range, too high of
a compression ratio, too low octane fuel.
This piston didn't fail in operation but it does show the most common
problem, blow-by. The rings were worn past the maximum ring end gap
spec, allowing combustion pressure to seep past the rings and down the
piston skirt causing a distinct carbon pattern. Its possible that the
cylinder walls cross-hatched honing pattern is partly to blame. If the
cylinder walls are glazed or worn too far, even new rings won't seal
properly to prevent a blow-by problem. Flex-Hones is a product available
at most auto parts stores. They can be used to remove oil glazing and
restore cross-hatch honing marks that enable the rings to wear to the
cylinder and form a good seal. If you purchase a Flex-Hone for your
cylinder, the proper grit is 240 and the size should be 10% smaller than
the bore diameter.
- Before you disassemble your engine, power-wash the engine and the
rest of the vehicle. That will reduce the risk of dirt and debris
falling into the engine. Once you remove the cylinder, stuff a clean
rag down into the crankcases.
- The cylinder and head use alignment pins to hold them straight in
position from the crankcases on up. The pins make it difficult to
remove the cylinder from the cases and the head from the cylinder.
Sometimes the steel alignment pins corrode into the aluminium engine
components. Try spraying penetrating-oil down the mounting studs
before attempting to remove the cylinder and head. Never use a
flat-blade screwdriver, chisel, or metal hammer to remove the
cylinder. Instead use this technique; buy a lead-shot plastic
mallet, swing it at a 45-degree angle upwards against the sides of
the cylinder. Alternate from left to right, hitting the sides of the
cylinder to separate it from the cases evenly. Clean the steel
alignment pins with steel wool and penetrating-oil. Examine the pins
closely. If they are deformed in shape, they won't allow the engine
parts to bolt together tightly. This can cause a dangerous air leak
or a coolant leak. The pins are cheap at about $2 each. Replace them
if they're rusty or deformed.
- Never re-use old gaskets. Remove them with a razor blade or gasket
scraper. Don't use a drill-driven steel wool type pad to remove old
gaskets because they can remove aluminium from the cylinder and head.
That will cause a gasket to leak.
- Always check the ring end gap on a new ring by placing it in the
cylinder between the head gasket surface and the exhaust port. The
gap should be between .012 to .024 inches.
- Always install the circlips with the opening facing straight up or
down, that way inertia will hold it tight into the clip groove.
Place one clip in the groove before installing the piston on the
connecting rod. Its easier to install a clip with the piston in your
hand rather than on the rod. There also less chance that you'll drop
the circlip in the crankcases.
- Always install the rings on the piston with the markings facing
up. Coat the rings with pre-mix oil so they can slide in the groove
when trying to install the piston in the cylinder.
- Always install the piston on the connecting rod with the arrow on
the piston crown facing towards the exhaust port.
- The traditional way to assemble the top end is to install the
piston assembly on the connecting rod, compress the rings, and slide
the cylinder over the piston. That can be difficult with larger bore
cylinders, or if you're working by yourself. Try this method
instead. Install one circlip in the piston, install the piston into
the cylinder with the pin hole exposed, install the piston pin
through one side of the piston, position the cylinder over the
connecting rod and push the piston pin through until it bottoms
against the circlip, install the other circlip. It only takes two
hands to install the top end using this manor and there is less
chance that you'll damage the rings by twisting the cylinder upon
- On cylinders with reed valves and large oval intake ports, take
care when installing the piston assembly in the cylinder because the
rings are likely to squeeze out of the ring grooves. Use a
flat-blade screwdriver to gently push the rings back in the grooves
so the piston assembly can pass by the intake port.
- For steel head gaskets, place the round side of the
"bump" facing up. Don't use liquid gasket sealer, use
aerosol spray adhesive types instead. For hybrid fibre/steel ring
head gaskets, place the wide side of the steel rings facing down.
- When you initially start the engine after a rebuild, manipulate
the choke to keep the engine rpm relatively low. Once the engine is
warm enough to take it off choke, drive the vehicle around on flat
hard ground. Keep it under 2/3 throttle for the first 30 minutes.
Two common myths for proper engine break-in are:
- Set the engine at a fast idle, stationary on a stand.
- Add extra pre-mix oil to the fuel.
When the engine is on a stand it doesn't have any air passing through
the radiator and it is in danger of running too hot. When you add extra
oil to the fuel you are effectively leaning the carb jetting. This can
make the engine run hotter and seize. |
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