Details of a chemical method for rejuvenating an old batteryYou have probably never stopped to consider it, but very few batteries are replaced because they stop working. In almost every case, the battery is replaced because it doesn't work well enough any more. What is not generally realised is that something can be done at this stage which may well prolong the useful life of the battery - quite often by many years, and that the same treatment carried out earlier may well have stopped the symptoms from occurring in the first place.
The reason for a battery failing to work properly anymore is due to the chemical processes which take place within each cell. As the battery discharges, the +ve. plate reacts with the sulphuric acid to produce lead ions and water. The -ve. plate dissolves to form lead ions in the process, which finally leads to the battery's complete failure. On charging, the +ve. plate builds up a thicker coating of lead oxide, removing water and lead ions from the sulphuric acid as it does so. The -ve. plate fizzes and releases hydrogen from the sulphuric acid as it builds up a coating of lead. It is the lead ions formed in the discharge cycle which cause problems. They combine with sulphate ions in sulphuric acid to form highly insoluble lead sulphate. When this coats the plates of the battery, it fails to deliver enough power to be of use although it may well be thoroughly serviceable in every other way; only the 'sulphating' stops the battery delivering enough power to start the vehicle.
As can be seen from the above, treating a battery with EDTA is likely to be most effective when the battery, for one reason or another, spends periods when it is not fully charged, and so contains too many lead ions. This is likely to occur if the vehicle is used just for short trips, is infrequently used, or suffers from an inefficient dynamo or alternator. To treat a battery with EDTA you add about a rounded teaspoonful of the powder to each cell - this assumes an average sized battery, but the exact amount is in no way critical. You should use the vehicle normally for a while or agitate the battery frequently for a few days, then give it a thorough charge to build up on the cleaned plate areas. On the assumption that sulphating has been affecting the performance of your battery, an increased performance will be noted from here on. Thanks to the MMOC. EDTA is available online from Pure Research - |